Thursday, December 28, 2006

Spring break??

WTF?? I went to check my stats, and fully 2/3 of the page views to my blog are coming from people searching for "Spring break girls images". And there are no images to be found, but feel free to search around anyway.

I want to say Christmas was good, but no. The boys got into their presents early and tried, very unsuccessfully, to re-tape them. Then came home late on the night before we were going to do "our" Christmas (12/24), and proceeded to fucking open their stockings! I caught them, and their excuse was that they thought it was "okay" to do, because I'd said "maybe" like the day before. So I made them re-pack them, then as punishment, no presents were opened until after the guy and I went to his house to take care of the farm animals, AND we went to my dad's to do presents there. It was sort of depressing.

I had Christmas at the guy's house. It was good, but now because of some stuff I saw at his house, we're sorting some stuff out. No more about that subject. It's painful.

I hope everyone has a great New Year!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Show of hands...

Okay, who here has had to deal with a fucking asshole of an ex?? I'll bet there are many!!

Rather than type out endless paragraphs, I'll give you hi-lites:

1) My daughter has not been to my house in over 3 weeks, because there are no rules at fucktard's house, and there are at mine. He refuses to bring her over. I'm not going to MAKE her come, but will be filing a petition for contempt with the divorce court. She and I argue, but only because I set limits, especially concerning this new "boyfriend" she has, who drinks and smokes pot. :-(

2) For over a month, I've asked for the Christmas decorations. Not the ones for the mantle (which I don't even have), but for the TREE. He finally delivered some - thrown in a box with 1/2 of them broken.

3) I found out the kids have not had health insurance since fucking AUGUST. Again, he's given me a runaround about this (ie. lied through his fucking yellow teeth) and this will be included in the contempt petition. He is responsible for insurance while I'm in school.

4) I bought season passes to the ski area for the kids (we alternate years). His responsibility this year was to get those who needed new boards/skis/gear the stuff. Taylor, Nate and Macey still don't have theirs, even though the mountain has been open for 2 weeks. Fucker.

5) He still hasn't told me if the land will be surveyed and listed by 12/31. Won't even talk to me.

6) He owes me 1/2 the money for Nate's Washington, DC trip. Almost $300. Money I could have used for Christmas.

The kids will be here through Christmas Eve, then go to fucktard's around 7pm. I think we'll also be doing Xmas with my father that day. I'll be at the guy's house for Christmas.

My first Christmas without my kids. And all this bullshit is not making it any easier.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


All done with OB!! I ended up with a 94 on the final exam. Happy dance!

I now officially only have ONE more semester left of nursing school, before I can sit for the national exam. ONE! I never, ever thought I'd get here. It's been a very long road, with lots of bumps, and this semester coming up will be the hardest yet (it's a TEN credit course! 10!! Do you know how many hours and how much work that entails? Good gawd!), but hopefully I'll get a good placement. My clinical instructor from OB still really wants me in her group. I wasn't really considering it, especially with the drive, but my friend "C" did decide to go with her, and I would love the opportunity to be with "C" again. She is just an awesome girlie, and I wish I'd known her sooner.

Now to finish up Christmas shopping, and maybe actually get some decorations up!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


That's me, Miss MIA! I'm here, just horrendously busy. I did finally sign those fucking papers for the fucktard. I just want to be DONE with all of this. He finally closed (and my name is now OFF the mortgage! Hear me doing a happy dance??!) and is supposed to get the property surveyed and listed by January 1st. We'll see.

Nursing school is plugging along. My instructor really likes me, and wants me for our final semester at the same hospital. The only problem is, I really don't like her, and I hate the commute and the fact that I have to get there at 6:15 to take a shuttle bus to the hospital, because parking for us is MILES away. I had already emailed the Nursing Dept secretary, who assigns clinical sites, and asked her for one of the two hospitals that I did Med/Surg 1 or Nursing Fundamentals at. Hopefully I'll find out soon. I've been at FIVE different hospitals, but most people only two or three different ones. I haven't been at the same one yet, and it sort of sucks!

I'm finishing up OB now, and have my final on Monday. One clinical day left, tomorrow. I need a good grade on the final. I tanked on the last exam, a first for me, but thank god I did well on the first two exams. My average is an 86 now, with 80 being passing. I like to have more of a cushion than that, and I heard the last exam is really difficult.

The guy stuff is going really, really well. I'm so happy! Finally, huh?! The kids really like him, too, and I can't even tell you how happy that makes me. We're pretty much either at my house if I have the kids, or his if I don't. It's great feeling comfortable and secure with someone.

My house is literally falling apart at the seams. I've been battling mice since this summer, and they've gotten horrendous, even with bait and traps. Plus the whole heating issue is back again. I caulked the windows this morning, but they all really need to be replaced. No $$$ for that now. It's to the point where I am considering selling. It's just one thing after another, but the real kicker is the apartment house across the street, with the drug dealing by the teenager there and constant "new" tenants, for whatever reason. It is a true love/hate relationship with this house and neighborhood.

That's all! Thanks for the emails inquiring about me! I hope to post and be back on boards and get better at emailing back very, very shortly!